IAA Lebanon - International Advertising Association

Camille Menassa's journey
It is with deep sorrow that we have learned of the passing of Camille Menassa.

Camille Menassa's journey was one of dedication and excellence. From his early days as a journalist at l'Orient newspaper, his commitment to truth and storytelling was evident. Throughout his career, he demonstrated outstanding leadership, leaving an indelible mark on the media landscape.

His involvement in various organizations, including the International Advertising Association (IAA), the Lebanese Businessmen Association (RDCL), and the Beirut Rotary Club, underscores his passion for fostering connections and making a positive impact in society.

His role as a lecturer at the Lebanese University and St. Joseph University reflects his dedication to nurturing the next generation of professionals in journalism, advertising, and public relations.

Beyond his professional achievements, Camille Menassa was a pillar of his community, actively promoting dialogue and understanding among different faiths as a member of numerous committees and working groups. His commitment to the values of tolerance and inclusivity serves as an enduring legacy that will continue to inspire others.

The IAA Lebanon extends its heartfelt condolences to his wife Liliane, his son Walid, his family, and friends.

Camille Menassa Biography (1936-2024) Born in 1936, Camille Menassa studied Law at St Joseph University. He started his career as a journalist in 1957 at l’Orient newspaper, before moving to ORTF (Office de la Radio et de la Télévision Française) as a Middle East correspondent.

In the 60s, he was named editor in chief of CLT (Compagnie Libanaise de Télévision) the first Lebanese television and launched a magazine called “Centre du cinéma et de la Télévision.”

In 1967, he became Head of Program Unit at Radio Liban and the Middle East correspondent of Radio Monte Carlo and ABC the American network. In 1971, he was appointed administrative manager of Media Press - the advertising unit of An Nahar and Le Jour newspaper. In 1973, he became the administrative director of L’Orient-Le Jour and founder and chairman of “Les Editions Orient-Le Jour” publishing company. In 2005, he left L’Orient-Le Jour to establish his own PR agency Front Page.

Menassa was an active member of the IAA spending more than 20 years in the executive committee, board member in 1973, 1991, 1993, vice-president in 1975, 1986, 1988 and president from 1981 to 1983.

Menassa was also president of the Lebanese Section of l’Union Internationale des Journalistes de la Presse Francophone (1980-2006), president of the Lebanese Businessmen Association - RDCL (2007-2011) and president of the Beirut Rotary Club (1997-1998).

Menassa has been a lecturer in journalism, advertising and public relations at the Lebanese University and at St Joseph University.

Finally, Menassa was an active member within his Greek Catholic community, and a true advocate of the Islamic-Christian dialogue being a member of many committees and working groups.